Forced Joy Outings

gatherings for your grief that are not held in funeral homes or church basements


Hike & heal GatheringApril 7, 2024

Join us on a joyful jaunt where our joy and grief can coexist. We will meet at a trail in the Leelanau County area, do quick introductions, and then experience the beauty together. There is no agenda or pressure to share - just a safe space to connect with nature, other grievers, and yourself.

These free events are open to everyone grieving (and who among us isn’t grieving something?). I hope you’ll join us.

Hike & heal GatheringMay 19, 2024

Join us on a joyful jaunt where our joy and grief can coexist. We will meet at a trail in the Leelanau County area, do quick introductions, and then experience the beauty together. There is no agenda or pressure to share - just a safe space to connect with nature, other grievers, and yourself.

These free events are open to everyone grieving (and who among us isn’t grieving something?). I hope you’ll join us.



Interested in collaborating with the Forced Joy Project at your next event, conference, or workshop? Shoot us a message here and let’s talk!